Umarım Umutlarımızın gerçekleştiği, sevgi ve iyiliktik tohumlarının yeşerdiği ,
barış rüzgarlarının estiği güzel bir yılı kucaklamış olmayı diliyorum
Fatoş İnal
Türk Kadınlar Konseyi Derneği
Genel Başkanı

It is our responsibility to keep doing our part to built a better, stronger and fairer future for the world . We are proud of the vision and values that ICW fought for.
Wishing you  a happy New Year ,May it be filled with peace love and happiness.



Dear ICW-CIF Sisters,

In this festive season, the ICW-CIF Board Members and the Presidents of the Regional Councils send you their Best Wishes for the New Year, which is about to begin.

With a special thought for our sisters who will know no truce in this painful period of conflicts. Conflicts that unfortunately affect many lives, particularly women and children. It is crucial that we support and show solidarity with those who suffer the devastating consequences of these situations.

Whether through humanitarian actions, moral support, initiatives to promote peace or simply by paying attention to their situation, every gesture of compassion and support can help to lighten even a little the burden of those affected by these situations.

Let us hope for a better future where peace prevails and everyone can live without fear and in complete security.

Martine Marandel
ICW-CIF President

Click on the link below to discover ICW-CIF’s wishes:
